One’s emotional intelligence is not a fixed quantity
The wonderful news is: it can be improved!
One’s emotional intelligence is not a fixed quantity
The wonderful news is: it can be improved!
The most widely-used instrument to measures one’s emotional intelligence quotient is called the EQ-I 2.0. It examines in depth the specific competencies that comprise the strength of our social and emotional interactions.
The test takes about 20 minutes to complete, and it focuses on fifteen specific competencies, cross-checking responses throughout all competencies. Given the instrument is based on self-reporting, a team of social psychology statisticians developed a logarithm to correct for over- or under-estimation; this makes the accuracy of the results highly reliable.
Paralleling the narrative that clients tell in the clinical session, the EQ-I Comprehensive Feedback Report provides comprehensive results for the fifteen competencies assessed in the instrument. Visualizing the scores on each of these competencies provides building blocks for a more effective therapeutic strategy, both for the therapist and for the client, and adds a critical level of understanding of a client’s social/emotional strength and the areas in need of enrichment. For many clients, understanding their EQ-I results opens up the social and emotional logjam they had found themselves in.